* プログラムのテンプレート [#l0b1d472]

* WAITCNT [#b7f2672c]
 4000204h - WAITCNT - Waitstate Control (R/W)
 This register is used to configure game pak access timings.
 The game pak ROM is mirrored to three address regions at 08000000h, 0A000000h, and 0C000000h, these areas are called Wait State 0-2.
 Different access timings may be assigned to each area
 (this might be useful in case that a game pak contai ns several ROM chips with different access times each).
   Bit   Expl.
   0-1   SRAM Wait Control          (0..3 = 4,3,2,8 cycles)
   2-3   Wait State 0 First Access  (0..3 = 4,3,2,8 cycles)
   4     Wait State 0 Second Access (0..1 = 2,1 cycles)
   5-6   Wait State 1 First Access  (0..3 = 4,3,2,8 cycles)
   7     Wait State 1 Second Access (0..1 = 4,1 cycles; unlike above WS0)
   8-9   Wait State 2 First Access  (0..3 = 4,3,2,8 cycles)
   10    Wait State 2 Second Access (0..1 = 8,1 cycles; unlike above WS0,WS1)
   11-12 PHI Terminal Output        (0..3 = Disable, 4.19MHz, 8.38MHz, 16.78MHz)
   13    Not used
   14    Game Pak Prefetch Buffer (Pipe) (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
   15    Game Pak Type Flag  (Read Only) (0=GBA, 1=CGB) (IN35 signal)
   16-31 Not used
 At startup, the default setting is 0000h.
 Currently manufactured cartridges are using the following settings:
 WS0/ROM=3,1 clks;
 SRAM=8 clks;
 WS2/EEPROM: 8,8 clks;
 prefetch enabled;
 that is, WAITCNT=4317h, for more info see "GBA Cartridges" chapter.


- dwelch.com GBA Dhrystone tests([[web.archive.org:http://web.archive.org/web/20210126091131/http://www.dwelch.com/gba/dhry.htm]])

 Thumb C Compiler, ADS1.2 [Build 805]
 4426 WAITCNT 4/2 no prefetch
 3790 WAITCNT 4/2 prefetch
 4106 WAITCNT 3/2 no prefetch
 3639 WAITCNT 3/2 prefetch
 3785 WAITCNT 2/2 no prefetch
 3488 WAITCNT 2/2 prefetch
 5707 WAITCNT 8/2 no prefetch
 4391 WAITCNT 8/2 prefetch
 3611 WAITCNT 4/1 no prefetch
 2867 WAITCNT 4/1 prefetch
 3292 WAITCNT 3/1 no prefetch
 2715 WAITCNT 3/1 prefetch 6.87 Mips
 2971 WAITCNT 2/1 no prefetch
 2563 WAITCNT 2/1 prefetch 7.28 Mips
 4892 WAITCNT 8/1 no prefetch
 3477 WAITCNT 8/1 prefetch
 MetaWare High C Compiler R4.5a (THUMB)
 3305 WAITCNT 3/1 no prefetch
 2688 WAITCNT 3/1 prefetch 6.94 Mips
 2985 WAITCNT 2/1 no prefetch
 2547 WAITCNT 2/1 prefetch 7.32 Mips 

* HALT [#s5e08356]

 // 昔(GBAプログラム研究所さん)の書き方
 void WaitForVsync(void)
 	while (*(volatile u16*)0x4000006 >= 160) {};
 	while (*(volatile u16*)0x4000006 <  160) {};
 int main(void)
 	// TODO
 		// TODO


 #include "lib/gba.h"
 #include "main.h"
 #include "bg.h"
 #include "irq.arm.h"
 ST_MAIN Main;
 int main(void)
 	REG_WSCNT = 0x4317;
 	_Memset(&Main,  0x00, sizeof(ST_MAIN));
 	ST_MAIN* p = &Main;
 	char str[32];
 		if(p->gameFrame < p->frameCount)
 			p->delay     = p->frameCount - p->gameFrame;
 			p->gameFrame = p->frameCount;
 			p->delay = 0;
 		_Sprintf(str, "FREAME:%d", p->frameCount);
 		BgAsciiDrawStr(0, 1, str);
 		_Sprintf(str, "DELAY :%d", p->delay);
 		BgAsciiDrawStr(0, 2, str);
 		_Sprintf(str, "FPS   :%d", p->fps);
 		BgAsciiDrawStr(0, 3, str);

- irq.arm.c
 #include "irq.arm.h"
 #include "main.h"
 extern ST_MAIN Main;
 EWRAM_CODE void IrqInit(void)
 	REG_IME = 0;
 	INT_VECTOR   = (u32)IrqHandler;
 	REG_IE       = IRQ_VBLANK;
 	REG_IME = 1;
 IWRAM_CODE void IrqHandler(void)
 	REG_IME  = 0;
 	u16 flag = REG_IF;
 	if(flag & IRQ_VBLANK)
 		ST_MAIN* p = &Main;
 		if(p->fpsTimer == 60)
 			p->fps = p->fpsCount;
 			p->fpsTimer = 0;
 			p->fpsCount = 0;
 	REG_IF  = flag;
 	REG_IME = 1;

fpsの表示処理も加えてみたので若干読みにくくなって申し訳ありません。注目すべきポイントはVBLANKの割り込み許可して、VBLANKハンドラに「REG_IRQ_WAITFLAGS |= IRQ_VBLANK;」をさせることです。この処理を忘れるとmain関数の「VBlankIntrWait();」(この中身は「SystemCall(5);」)を呼んだ時、永久ループしてしまうので注意してください。ゲームを作るときは、この形を基本にするのがいいと思います。

**動作画面 [#iced3ca8]
- [[github:https://github.com/akkera102/gbadev-ja/tree/main/doc16%20%E3%83%97%E3%83%AD%E3%82%B0%E3%83%A9%E3%83%A0%E3%81%AE%E3%83%86%E3%83%B3%E3%83%97%E3%83%AC%E3%83%BC%E3%83%88]]

** 履歴 [#t48614b9]
- 2023/04/17
- 2008/07/04

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