* ウィンドウ [#d3110733]

** DISPCNT [#tabf5820]

 The DISPCNT Register
 DISPCNT Bits 13-15 are used to enable Window 0, Window 1, and/or OBJ Window regions,
 if any of these regions is enabled then the "Outside of Windows" region is automatically enabled, too.
 DISPCNT Bits 8-12 are kept used as master enable bits for the BG0-3,OBJ layers,
 a layer is displayed only if both DISPCNT and WININ/OUT enable bits are set.

** WIN0H, WIN1H [#qf3c56dd]

 4000040h - WIN0H - Window 0 Horizontal Dimensions (W)
 4000042h - WIN1H - Window 1 Horizontal Dimensions (W)
  Bit   Expl.
  0-7   X2, Rightmost coordinate of window, plus 1
  8-15  X1, Leftmost coordinate of window
 Garbage values of X2>240 or X1>X2 are interpreted as X2=240.

** WIN0V, WIN1V [#w42fe6ac]

 4000044h - WIN0V - Window 0 Vertical Dimensions (W)
 4000046h - WIN1V - Window 1 Vertical Dimensions (W)
  Bit   Expl.
  0-7   Y2, Bottom-most coordinate of window, plus 1
  8-15  Y1, Top-most coordinate of window
 Garbage values of Y2>160 or Y1>Y2 are interpreted as Y2=160.

** WININ [#j305cc91]

 4000048h - WININ - Control of Inside of Window(s) (R/W)
  Bit   Expl.
  0-3   Window 0 BG0-BG3 Enable Bits     (0=No Display, 1=Display)
  4     Window 0 OBJ Enable Bit          (0=No Display, 1=Display)
  5     Window 0 Color Special Effect    (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  6-7   Not used
  8-11  Window 1 BG0-BG3 Enable Bits     (0=No Display, 1=Display)
  12    Window 1 OBJ Enable Bit          (0=No Display, 1=Display)
  13    Window 1 Color Special Effect    (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  14-15 Not used

** WINOUT [#c6830243]

 400004Ah - WINOUT - Control of Outside of Windows & Inside of OBJ Window (R/W)
  Bit   Expl.
  0-3   Outside BG0-BG3 Enable Bits      (0=No Display, 1=Display)
  4     Outside OBJ Enable Bit           (0=No Display, 1=Display)
  5     Outside Color Special Effect     (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  6-7   Not used
  8-11  OBJ Window BG0-BG3 Enable Bits   (0=No Display, 1=Display)
  12    OBJ Window OBJ Enable Bit        (0=No Display, 1=Display)
  13    OBJ Window Color Special Effect  (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  14-15 Not used

** I/Oアドレス [#i281b1de]

 #define REG_WIN0H	*((vu16 *)(REG_BASE + 0x40))
 #define REG_WIN1H	*((vu16 *)(REG_BASE + 0x42))
 #define REG_WIN0V	*((vu16 *)(REG_BASE + 0x44))
 #define REG_WIN1V	*((vu16 *)(REG_BASE + 0x46))
 #define REG_WININ	*((vu16 *)(REG_BASE + 0x48))
 #define REG_WINOUT	*((vu16 *)(REG_BASE + 0x4A))
 #define WIN_RIGHT(x)	((x)<<0)
 #define WIN_LEFT(x)	((x)<<8)
 #define WIN_DOWN(x)	((x)<<0)
 #define WIN_TOP(x)	((x)<<8)


 #define WIN_0_BG0	(1<<0)
 #define WIN_0_BG1	(1<<1)
 #define WIN_0_BG2	(1<<2)
 #define WIN_0_BG3	(1<<3)
 #define WIN_0_OBJ	(1<<4)
 #define WIN_0_SPE	(1<<5)
 #define WIN_1_BG0	(1<<8)
 #define WIN_1_BG1	(1<<9)
 #define WIN_1_BG2	(1<<10)
 #define WIN_1_BG3	(1<<11)
 #define WIN_1_OBJ	(1<<12)
 #define WIN_1_SPE	(1<<13)


** ウィンドウを使用した例 [#l46d1f73]
 #include "lib/gba.h"
 #include "res.h"
 #define BG_MAX_CNT 4
 typedef struct {
 	u32  mapBase;
 	u16* mapBaseAdr;
 	u32  tileBase;
 	u16* tileBaseAdr;
 } ST_BG;
 void WaitForVsync(void)
 	while(*(vu16*)0x4000006 >= 160) {};
 	while(*(vu16*)0x4000006 <  160) {};
 void BgInitMem(void)
 	const u32 mapBase[]  = { 11, 12,  0,  0 };
 	const u32 tileBase[] = {  0,  2,  0,  0 };
 	s32 i;
 	for(i=0; i<BG_MAX_CNT; i++)
 		Bg[i].mapBase     = MAP_BASE(mapBase[i]);
 		Bg[i].mapBaseAdr  = MAP_BASE_ADR(mapBase[i]);
 		Bg[i].tileBase    = TILE_BASE(tileBase[i]);
 		Bg[i].tileBaseAdr = TILE_BASE_ADR(tileBase[i]);
 	for(i=0; i<32*32; i++)
 		Bg[0].mapBaseAdr[i] = 0;
 		Bg[1].mapBaseAdr[i] = 0;
 		Bg[2].mapBaseAdr[i] = 0;
 		Bg[3].mapBaseAdr[i] = 0;
 	for(i=0; i<0x2000; i++)
 		Bg[0].tileBaseAdr[i] = 0;
 		Bg[1].tileBaseAdr[i] = 0;
 		Bg[2].tileBaseAdr[i] = 0;
 		Bg[3].tileBaseAdr[i] = 0;
 void BgInit(void)
 	REG_BG0CNT = (BG_SIZE_0 | BG_16_COLOR | Bg[0].tileBase | Bg[0].mapBase);
 	REG_BG1CNT = (BG_SIZE_0 | BG_16_COLOR | Bg[1].tileBase | Bg[1].mapBase);
 void BgSetTile(u32 bg, u16* pDat, u32 size)
 	volatile u32 i;
 	for(i=0; i<size; i++)
 		Bg[bg].tileBaseAdr[i] = pDat[i];
 void BgSetPal(u32 pal, u16* pDat)
 	volatile u32 i;
 	for(i=0; i<16; i++)
 		BG_PALETTE[pal*16+i] |= pDat[i];
 void BgSetMap(void)
 	volatile u32 i;
 	for(i=0; i<32*20; i++)
 		Bg[0].mapBaseAdr[i] = i;
 		Bg[1].mapBaseAdr[i] = i | (1 << 12);
 int main(void)
 	BgSetTile(0, (u16*)&imageTiles, imageTilesLen/2);
 	BgSetTile(1, (u16*)&image2Tiles, image2TilesLen/2);
 	BgSetPal(0, (u16*)&imagePal);
 	BgSetPal(1, (u16*)&image2Pal);
 	// ウィンドウの中にBG1,外にBG0を表示
 	s32 ofx = 20;
 	s32 ofy = 20;
 		REG_WIN0H = WIN_LEFT(ofx) | WIN_RIGHT(ofx+64);
 		REG_WIN0V = WIN_TOP(ofy)  | WIN_DOWN(ofy+64);
 		if( !(REG_KEYINPUT & KEY_UP)    ) ofy--;
 		if( !(REG_KEYINPUT & KEY_DOWN)  ) ofy++;
 		if( !(REG_KEYINPUT & KEY_LEFT)  ) ofx--;
 		if( !(REG_KEYINPUT & KEY_RIGHT) ) ofx++;

*** 動作画面 [#k1733dea]

** 履歴 [#h7fc0fad]
- 2014/12/30
- 2007/09/06

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